In addition to all rights and privileges of the W.G. Swenson Legacy Member, the W.G. Swenson House Visionary member would receive: All benefits above and something so special you have to ask. In addition $3,500 of your visionary membership will be deposited in the Swenson House Endowment Fund deposit with the Community Foundation of Abilene.
In addition to all rights and privelges of the Philanthropist the W.G. Swenson Legacy member would receive: A Champagne Soiree or an English Tea party for up to 30 people with a guided docent tour of the Swenson House and grounds. In addition their name on a brick laid in the Swenson gardens.
In addition to all rights and privileges of the Patron level the Philanthropist would receive: A Champagne Soiree or an English Tea for up to 10 with a guided docent tour of the Swenson House, plus their name on a brick laid in the Swenson gardens.
In addition to all rights and privileges of the Benefactor level the Patron level will receive: A Champagne Soiree or English Tea Party for up to 7 people with a personal guided docent tour of the Swenson House.
In addition to all rights and privileges of the voting member the Benefactor receives a private guided docent tour of the Swenson House for them and a friend. Plus a family Christmas portrait during Swenson Christmas or a spring garden portrait (at Swenson House location only)
At this level the member can attend all social events, functions and annual meeting. Further they can be asked to sit on committees and be invited to be approved to the Board of Trustees and can hold an elected position as an Executive Office. In addition they would receive a 20% discount for Swenson House rental.
At this level the non-voting member can be asked to be a member of a special committee, attend all social events, functions and the annual meeting. In addition they would receive a 20% discount for Swenson House rentals and admission to the quarterly members only guided docent tour of the Swenson House.
This level is considered as a Fan of the Society and is encouraged to volunteer to support the Society with its special events such as: Haunted Abilene, Community Picnic and special work days.
There are several different options that you can specify what your donation will be attributed for, or you can just choose "general donation.